Co-owner Mark chatting with contractors
Things have been happening over at 1201 Magnolia Avenue, AKA MELT 2.0. The world of construction is slightly outside of our area of expertise, and some days are more stressful than others, but lately there have been a lot of moments where we've gotten to look around and see how far we've come. Those moments have made us so excited for the future, and all the happy memories and celebrations that will fill this currently messy but potential filled space!
Our project manager Miranda keeping us on track
One of our favorite moments from the past few weeks was watching the glass get put in on our new front window. So many smiling faces are going to be seen sitting next to that window, and so much light will come through it to fill our shop every morning. We've still got a ways to go before all that starts up, but we wanted something just as happy and special to fill that glass in the meantime. We wanted the magic and joy our customers bring into our lives to be represented at the new space, before it even opened. So we printed off as many of the beautiful photos you've shared with us as we could get our hands on, and we watched the window slowly start to overflow with a sunny celebration of all the memories we've made together. Nothing has made us more excited for this next adventure than looking back on the times we've gotten to enjoy with y'all, and knowing that things are only getting bigger and better from here.
Before and After
We are continuing to work super hard to prepare our Magnolia location. We can't wait to get the rubble out and the ice cream in and start hanging out with all of you over there! But, (while that day can't come fast enough) thanks to things like our little yellow window, this place is already starting to feel like home.
You can follow us on Snapchat at MeltIceCreams to get behind the scenes updates on our construction!!